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2024 WiDA Workforce Survey

Bringing the future into the now.

Complete the below Survey to have your voice heard on matters important to you!

Your results will be saved once you hit 'Submit'.

As this survey is anonymous, you will not receive a confirmation email.


Your input is crucial in shaping the future landscape of our sector. Responses are anonymous and will be used to deliver a critically required report on the state of the sector.

By completing this survey, you have the opportunity to voice your opinions, concerns, and suggestions, which will directly influence the decisions and initiatives undertaken by WiDA.

Feedback enables us to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing our industry, allowing us to develop targeted strategies and resources to address them effectively.

Women in Defence Association - 2024 Workforce Survey

Do you identify as female?
Are you a WiDA Member
How did you hear about WiDA
Are you from any of these backgrounds?
How long have you worked in the defence sector?
Are you looking to change jobs?
Which Type of Organisation/Category do you represent?
What sector do you work in?
What discipline/ area do you work in? (tick all that apply)
How would you describe your level in the defence sector.
On what basis are you employed?
On average, how many hours do you work in a week?
Which of the following, best describes your individual income?
Have you taken parental leave?
If yes, were you able to retain your role - at the same level, with the same duties - upon return to work?
If you identify as male, were you given equal access to parental leave rights?
How inclusive do you find your current workplace environment?
Are you aware of your companies current gender pay gap percentage?
Is a companies current gender pay gap percentage important to you?
Do you feel there are equal opportunities for career advancement for women in your organisation?
Have you encountered any barriers to career progression in the defence sector?
Have you encountered microaggressions within your defence workplace?
If yes, do you feel your employer is actively addressing issues surrounding microaggressions?
Have you experienced sexual misconduct in your defence workplace?
If yes, did you report the sexual misconduct?
What support or resources do you feel are most required in the sector?
How would you rate the Federal Minister for Defence Industry (Pat Conroy) effectiveness in managing their portfolio?
Very Ineffective
Very Effective
Unaware of the Minister(s) and their role
How would you rate the Federal Minister for Defence (Richard Marles) effectiveness in managing their portfolio?
Very Ineffective
Very Effective
Unaware of the Minister(s) and their role
How would you rate the Federal Minister for Defence Personnel and Veterans Affairs (Matt Keogh) effectiveness in managing their portfolio?
Very Ineffective
Very Effective
Unaware of the Minister(s) and their role
How would you rate the Federal Special Envoy Defence (Luke Gosling) effectiveness in managing their portfolio?
Very Ineffective
Very Effective
Unaware of the Minister(s) and their role
What State or Territory are you based in?
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